What Makes a Rug Kilim?

What makes a rug Kilim? When you buy a kilim rug, you’re buying an antique with a long history. But what makes a kilim rug unique? Interested in learning more about kilim rugs? Read on to discover what makes these rugs so special. These rugs come in a variety of colors, sizes, and designs. Here are a few important factors to consider when buying a kilim rug.

slit weave

Most kilims are woven using the slit weave method. This weaving technique creates geometric patterns by returning the weft around the last warp in a color block and the adjacent one. The wefts are then packed tightly, overlapping the adjacent warps. This technique is especially popular for kilims with large geometric designs. A kilim with a slit weave will typically have bold, irregular patterns. These rugs are traditionally made of vegetable dyes.


The most common method for making a Kilim is through the slit weave. This process involves returning a slit of weft around the warp of an adjacent color and weaving tightly to cover that warp. There are three different ways to pattern the surface of a Kilim. The weavers first work on one color block and then move on to the next. The result is a rug that is symmetrical and often contains bold, striking patterns.

animal hair

A Kilim is woven from animal hair, and the fibers of the kilim are very soft. The textile is woven between the warps with longitudinal strands tied to the loom under tension. The horizontal strands are then woven between the warps. There are different kinds of looms: vertical, horizontal, fixed-height, or movable. The weaving is usually done by hand, using a comb or beating comb made from metal, wood, horns, or a bone.

loom size

If you’re wondering how to make your own Kilim rug, there are a few things you should know. For one, the loom size you use is very important, as it will affect the quality of your finished product. Another factor is the color scheme. While many kilims are simple and straightforward, each one is unique and has some history. In addition to the color scheme, Kilim rugs use symbols and geometric patterns that have symbolic meanings.

design possibilities

The geometric patterns found on a Kilim rug are created with a slit weave technique. This technique involves placing gaps between two warps and incorporating a weft of the opposite color into the pattern. The weft is then tightly packed to cover the warp and creates a pattern. Generally, the weft is placed in the first row of the pattern before proceeding to the second. This process creates bold patterns without weakening the rug’s structure. The design possibilities are as endless as the imagination of the rug’s creators.